Home Learning

All children receive home learning to complete weekly. Home learning takes the form of reading, times tables and spellings. Children are also set a termly project linked to their History, Geography or Science lessons. Home learning is celebrated both in class and through our termly home learning assemblies.

Home learning is set and marked via your child's Home Learning Google Classroom page

Please see the overview below for each year group’s home learning expectations:

Home Learning Overview


Reading is key to a child’s success throughout the curriculum. Please take time to listen to your child read, read to your child and encourage them to find books that they love. Whilst children are learning to read, they bring home a RWI book linked to their RWI lessons each week. Please read this several times to develop their decoding skills, fluency and expression. They will also bring home a book they have chosen and would like to share with you from the school library. Children will also bring home a "Project X" book, which links closely to their reading age. Once the children are fluent readers, they will bring home one book which they have chosen.

Times Tables

When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables. To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! Regular practice is important to develop quick recall and become a Rock Hero!

TT Rockstars Parent Handbook

TT Rockstars Website

Letter Join

We subscribe to the Letter-join handwriting scheme and our pupils can log in to the Letter-join website on iPads and tablets as well as desktop and laptop computers at home. There you will find the same, easy-to-use handwriting resources that we use at school.

Letter-join Home Access

Websites to support learning

Here are some websites that we think will help you work with your children at home, reinforcing much of the work we do here in school. Why not have a try and let us know how you get on? We are always keen to find out about new websites, so if you have any favourites, please let us know.

BBC Bitesize

This covers both key stage 1 (KS1) and KS2 (KS2) for a wide range of subjects

Woodlands Primary School

This has fantastic interactive resources across a range of subjects.

The National Numeracy Website

This is a really good website with lots of useful resources. It is designed to raise standards of numeracy across the country for both children and adults and it has specific areas for parents who want to help their children.


Another good website for a wide range of subjects and general info about education

Ten Town

We are pleased that Ten Town are offering free access to online resources for our Reception class until the end of the summer term.

Ten Town Parent Log In Information

Websites to support phonics and reading





Websites to support maths



Websites to support computing

