Parent Voice

As a key stakeholder, the views and suggestions of our parents are really important to us.

We welcome suggestions from parents about how we can improve at all times of the year and encourage you to contact us with any suggestions you have. You can do this by speaking to a member of the leadership team on the gate in the morning or at the end of the day, requesting a meeting with a member of the leadership team or emailing us on

We will ask you for your opinions at different points throughout the year including through parent surveys, a suggestion box at parents evenings and through parent forums. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to these.

You said, we did (January 2020)

We were really pleased that in the recent survey 100% of respondents said their children were happy in school and felt safe. We were also pleased to see that 88% of you felt that bullying is dealt with quickly and effectively.

Issue: Communication

Solution: This is a recurring issue and one we are open to suggestions on how we can continue to improve this area.

This year we have:

  • Moved our parent communications to email - rather than paper based letters home

  • launched a new style of newsletter providing parents with updates on things happening in school and future dates

  • added a calendar to our website

  • trialled SLT drop in sessions for parents to meet the Principal or a member of the leadership team without an appointment

  • introduced FLO & SENDCo coffee mornings

  • increased the amount of parent events and workshops

We also continue to provide updates through our social media pages, provide termly parent forums and ensure members of the leadership team and/or family liaison officer are available to speak to every morning and afternoon.

Issue: Slippery/ Icy road

Solution: A parent has spoken to us about how icy Chart Road is becoming in the cold weather. We have raised this issue with KCC and are waiting for a response.

In the meantime, please take care when approaching the school and our site team will continue to grit the school site.

UPDATE- KCC have responded to say they will carry out a risk assessment of the road during an icy period and may install salt boxes along the road should they deem it necessary. We will keep you updated once we hear what the outcome of the risk assessment is.

UPDATE- We now have a salt box installed outside Morehall!

Issue: Trips

Solution: Some parents have spoken to us about some classes not going on a trip out of school last year. Every class did either go on a trip out of school or have a workshop in school. Many classes had both.

We take care that all trips and events enhance the children’s learning and we found that in many cases bringing workshops and experiences into school allowed the children to have a whole day of curriculum enhancement whereas some of the trips meant long travel times and only a few hours in the destination.

However, we are working with teachers to plan some exciting trips for all year groups this year and will let you know of dates as soon as they are confirmed.