
Trust Governance 

Morehall Primary is part of the Turner Schools Multi Academy Trust.

Our Governance Structure ensures there are clear reporting lines and explicit requirements to ensure probity, good governance and outstanding performance.

Members are responsible for determining the governance of the Trust. They approve our Articles of Association and appoint Trustees in accordance with the Articles. 

The Board of trustees has collective accountability and responsibility for the academy trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual, and statutory requirements. The academy trust board provides: 

• Strategic leadership of the academy trust: the board defines the trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects. It establishes and fosters the trust’s culture and sets and champions the trust strategy including determining what governance functions are delegated to the local tier 

• Accountability and assurance: the board has robust effective oversight of the operations and performance of the academy trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping their estate safe and well maintained

• Engagement: the board has strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders. The board involves parents, schools and communities so that decision-making is supported by meaningful engagement.

All Members, Trustees and Governors complete an annual declaration of Business Interests and declare any pecuniary interests in meetings.

The Board delegates responsibilities to the school Challenge & Community Board as set out in the Scheme of Delegation.  

View our Articles and Memorandum of Association

School governance

Governors serve as a key link between the schools, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees of any concerns.

We have a committed team of Governors on the Challenge & Community Board who are actively involved in the life of the school. They reflect the community we serve and include parent representatives. Morehall and Martello primary schools have a joint Challenge & Community Board, membership is representative of both school communities.

The Governors are passionate about our School and are here to make sure that every pupil is given the best education, opportunities and experiences possible. They play an important role in overseeing the work of the school, acting as “critical friends” for the Senior Leadership Team and holding the school to account for performance and development.

Challenge and Community Board (CCB)

Chair: Jenny Fox

To contact the Chair, please email, contact via the school office or  01303 275128

Vice Chair: Nick Smyth

CCB Safeguarding Lead: Benjamin Williams

CCB SEND Lead: Maja Hjelmskog

Lead Safeguarding Trustee: Dr Toyin Okitikpi

Our Governors:

Natalie Barrow - ex-offico governor

Natalie is Principal of Martello Primary and and ex-officio governor by virtue of this position.

Camilla Barry - co-opted governor

Camilla is brings a wealth of legal knowledge and experience to the CCB, following her career as a Lawyer. Currently volunteering with the Samaritans, Camilla has a keen interest in pupil and staff mental health and well-being. 

Jenny Fox - co-opted governor

Jenny lives in Folkestone and is a Manager for HSBC.

Maja Hjelmskog - co-opted governor

Maja is an experienced Occupational Therapist and specialist dyslexia teacher who spent 7 years working in London at a  specialist day school for children with specific learning difficulties. 

She has worked with a broad range of children, providing assessment and intervention for children on the autistic spectrum, children with dyslexia and dyspraxia. She is particularly interested in supporting pupils with SEND and passionate about supporting and nurturing  children’s well-being and anxiety around learning. 

Am’e Moris - ex-offico governor

Am’e is Principal of Morehall Primary and and ex-officio governor by virtue of this position.

Nick Smyth - co-opted governor

Nick is the Head of Sales for a UK UK leading distributor of fixings, fasteners and building consumables to the construction and infrastructure sector.  He is well accustomed to working with Senior Leadership teams and wanted to extend this experience to further support the community.

Benjamin Williams - co-opted governor

Ben is a qualified Teacher and Education leader.

Leanne Wysner - parent Governor (Morehall)

Leanne is a parent who worked as a modifier for visually impaired children since 2021. Prior to this, she was a Teaching Assistant. 

Outside of work she has also been a Welfare Officer for Hawkinge Town Youth for about 8 years which included safeguarding children within grassroots football. 

Governors who have left in the past 12 months:

Martha Tracey - parent Governor (Martello)

Emma Hammond - parent Governor

Chris Bates - co-opted governor